Denver Tea Party Success

We had a great event today with some great speakers.

I’d estimate the crowd at 200 others are guessing 300.

We had a guestbook but not all persons signed.

At any rate, we may not know the exact number of persons who attended, but we had a great crowd considering this was thrown together very quickly.

Big thanks to Brian T Campbell who organized the event and all those others who assisted him.

Thanks to Jon Caldara of the Independence Institute who went out of his way to join us and speak.

I also meet Dan Murphy of Audit who at my invite was kind enough to speak. We hadn’t know he was to be there, he was a great addition.

Please go visit his site and sign the petition for Congressional audits.

The best part of this was post rally.

Everyone didn’t just run off at the end. People gathered in small groups and discussed issues and solutions.

This CANNOT be the last time this type of thing is done.








1859 – 2009 Denver’s Rocky Mountain News


The Rocky Mountain News is, at this very moment, printing it’s last edition.

We all know news papers are fading quickly and are becoming increasingly unprofitable. Still, I find this to be a sad day in Denver.

It is as they say, the end of an era.

I admit to not picking up either The Rocky Mountain News or The Denver Post often, and I admit to getting 99% of my news from the internet. Regardless, it is some how discomforting to know that if I did want a Rocky, I won’t be able to get one after tomorrow.

As a side note, were it The Denver Post to have closed it’s doors…

I may have celebrated.


The Rocky was founded in 1859 by William Byers, one of the most influential figures in Colorado history. Scripps bought the paper in 1926 and immediately began a newspaper war with The Post. That fight ebbed and flowed over the course of the rest of the 20th century, culminating in penny-a-day subscriptions in the late ’90s.

Perhaps the most critical step for the Rocky occurred in 1942, when then-Editor Jack Foster saved it by adopting the tabloid style it has been known for ever since. Readers loved the change, and circulation took off.

In the past decade, the Rocky has won four Pulitzer Prizes, more than all but a handful of American papers. […]

Today’s announcement comes as metropolitan newspapers and major newspaper companies find themselves reeling, with plummeting advertising revenues and dramatically diminished share prices. Just this week, Hearst, owner of the San Francisco Chronicle, announced that unless it was able to make immediate and steep expense cuts it would put the paper up for sale and possibly close it. Two other papers in JOAs, one in Seattle and the other in Tucson, are facing closure in coming weeks.


Welcome To Denver Mr. President


I understand President Obama, that on Tuesday you’re taking your political huckster show back on the road and to my home of Denver, Colorado.

One of our soon to be out of business, local news papers has taken a poll of it’s readers.

Just thought you might want to know what we in Colorado think of your stimulus plan.
