Sign Of The Times, Recent Headlines

The sign reads:

“Hang on folks, it’s gonna be a wild ride!”

Houses passes 90% RETROACTIVE tax against AIG bonuses

U.S. to Aid Auto Industry With $5 Billion for Suppliers

General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner says taxing gasoline until it reaches $4 per gallon is "worthy of consideration"

Fed to pump another $1 trillion into U.S. economy

US stock rally fades as investors assess Fed moves

Chris Dodd Admits To Adding Loophole In Stimulus That Allowed A.I.G. Bonuses

House debates bill taxing AIG and other bonuses

U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar

$750 billion "green" investment could revive economy: U.N.

At G20, Kremlin to Pitch New Currency

Bailed-Out Firms Owe At Least $220M in Back Taxes


Price Of Milk May Increase .08 cents Per Gallon Due To Dairy Cow Flatulence Tax

Okay, that may be a little overly descriptive, but is, for the most part, accurate. I say for the most part because the over all plan also covers pig flatulence and perhaps other critters as well.

While apparently the plan is no where near actually being enacted, just the fact that some dirt eater thought of it is disturbing. Though I suppose it should not be all that surprising considering that in 2006 the United Nations released a document which identified cattle as the greatest threat to the climate.

The Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking by the EPA would:

give the EPA the authority to regulate greenhouse gas for not only greenhouse gas from manmade sources like transportation and industry, but also “stationary” sources which would include livestock.

The article continues,

The New York Farm Bureau assigned a price tag to the cost of greenhouse gas regulation by the EPA in a release last month.

“The tax for dairy cows could be $175 per cow, and $87.50 per head of beef cattle. The tax on hogs would upwards of $20 per hog,” the release said. “Any operation with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 hogs would have to obtain permits.”

Business and Media Institute

Disturbingly stupid.

I should note that in all actuality the bulk of methane released by cattle comes from the front end of the animal rather than the… other end.


Once Again Israel Must Defend Herself

Israel responded in a serious way Saturday to Hamas and the on going rocket attacks launched from Gaza.

Arutz Sheva

The IAF executed over 170 sorties against 60 targets, reportedly killing over 200 and wounding hundreds of others. Most of the casualties are Hamas terrorists, according to both IDF and Arab journalistic sources.

The last I read at least 220 people had died.

The same article as above noted that over 100 tons of ordinance were dropped on Gaza by mid-afternoon Saturday.

Condemnation came fast and furious from world leaders and media outlets, strangely enough many world leaders and media outlets had nary a word to say while Hamas threw rocket after rocket into Israel.

Okay, so that isn’t actually strange at all, rather it is the norm. So normal is it that when Israel is attacked we can hear a pin drop, conversely the verbal attacks against Israel for defending itself a person can’t hear themselves think.

The condemnation of Israel is such a given that it is not something I would normally take the time to comment about here and I would not have broken that trend were it not for an article I came across in Telegraph.


The attack on the Gaza strip is proof that Israel is addicted to violence. Slaughtering 155 civilians, many of whom are women and children, can not be justified.

Every nation state has the right to defend itself against terrorism and wanton aggresion but this attack is both disgraceful and disproportionate, and Israel, a nation which has endured much suffering in its relatively short history, should recognise this.

The word “disproportionate” stands out to me like a sore thumb.

The word is a media trick. To not respond as Israel has would assure them, as their experience has taught them, a war of attrition. The purpose is to bring an end to the threat at their door and ensure that an amount of time of infrastructure rebuilding for Hamas.

To simply use enough force to end the threat you face today assures that the attacks will resume tomorrow.


The whole of the article attempts to give the idea that the response by Israel is not measured but if we consider the first article I linked to it is plain that the response is very measured.

“100 tons of ordinance were dropped on Gaza”.

100 tons, 220 dead.

A measured attack targeting only Hamas compounds and other known structures used by Hamas, yes some of those structures being homes.

The restraint shown is obvious.

Israel could, with very little effort, obliterate and very nearly blot out the whole of Gaza.

When considering the number of deaths, which is sure to rise, consider the fact that Hamas very purposely use the citizenry as cover knowing very well that any attack against the organization will cause the death of innocent persons and increase the anger around the Arab world as well as  the sympathies and outrage of the ignorant.

Some Palestinians were even phoned by Israel and told that their homes were targeted and that they should leave.

Homes were targeted only because of known Hamas activity against Israel within the home.

The best response, the most responsible response by Israel for it’s citizens would be to once again take possession of the Gaza Strip.

The Arab nations and the terrorist organizations within them have made no bones of the fact that they will never give Israel peace under any circumstance. Israel can give in to every single demand of the so called Palestinians and so long as the nation of Israel exists in some form, then Israel still would not know peace.

Some have stated that even if the nation of Israel did cease to exist even that would not be good enough, for those people so long as one Jew remains alive then their war against Jews would continue.


Let us also forget that the U.N. partitioned the British mandate territories in 1947, there could be right now a Palestinian state and Jerusalem would have been separate from both a Israeli and Palestinian state functioning as an ‘international’ city.

The Jews accepted the plan, the Palestinians reject it and choose war instead.

The Palestinians are now considered refuges, well if they are then they are refuges of their own making and remain so by their own choice. The PLO and Hamas as well as the rest of the Arab world, care far less about the Palestinian people than they do about the destruction of Israel.

Their hatred of the Jewish people is to blame for the present situation. They are the cause of their own suffering yet too full of hatred for the Jew and too full of pride to do anything about it.

The Palestinian leadership and their allies have no interest in peace with Israel and never will and that is just the plain fact of it.

Related Articles that should be read:


Saudi top dog to Bush: Get the Israelis to stop


Justice For Mother Earth


An international court for the environment has been proposed  which would be the prevailing authority on all environmental legal matters.

The Telegraph

Stephen Hockman QC is proposing a body similar to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to be the supreme legal authority on issues regarding the environment.

The first role of the new body would be to enforce international agreements on cutting greenhouse gas emissions set to be agreed next year.

But the court would also fine countries or companies that fail to protect endangered species or degrade the natural environment and enforce the “right to a healthy environment“.

While “the first role of the new body would be to enforce international agreements”, the UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland got underway today to force international agreements.

I’m frankly surprised such an international court has not been proposed before; perhaps it has and I just missed it.

I don’t know if this court or any similar court will come into existence in the near future, but I am sure it is on it’s way.

Of course you know well who the worst offender of these international environmental agreements will be, America. You then also know which nation will be the most heavily fined and, or sanctioned, America.

America, you know that nation that provides the majority of U.N. funding.

America, the nation that brought the modern world to you.


The Enviro-Nazis are gearing up and now they will have a friend in the White House. Our refusal to jump on board with the Kyoto Agreement saved America millions of jobs and likely Trillions of dollars.


Barack Obama is short on ideas when it comes to global warming, but he does believe it does exist and that it is caused by man. He will not be a leader on this issue, he will be a follower of other nations. Basically, where ever the greenies train goes, Obama will be on board.


Think we have an economic crisis now? Wait until we get into the full swing of being ‘green’.

Holding on tight to your job right now? Better grasp it with both hands and tether yourself to it.


A global environmental court,  the undermining of the Posse Comitatus Act, don’t you just love the smell of fascism arriving in the morning.