I Won’t Have To Worry, Messiah Obama Will Provide

I never thought this day would ever happen. I won’t have to worry about putting gas on my car, I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know, if I help him, he’s going to help me.

Who then?
Who is going to worry about putting gas in YOUR car?
Who is going to worry about paying YOUR mortgage?

Are you expecting a big raise at work if Obama is elected?
If Obama is elected is everything going to suddenly become affordable for you?
Affordable for me?

How is it you expect him to do this?
Oh, by punishing the middle and upper class, taking their money and giving it to you.

That is what is called theft, taking by force or threat of force, something that belongs to someone else.

You have drank the Kool-Aid and are fully on board the Socialist band wagon.

You and those like you make me ill and give me great cause for concern regarding the future of our nation.

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